Your time is precious: prefer the subscription!
Every dog owner has been confronted with this problem: Your faithful companion wants his well deserved delicious kibble, you try to fill his bowl and here comes the fateful moment when the packet of croquettes comes to an end, the ration is not there... What to do? Your usual pet shop being closed, you find as a last option an open shop able to supply you with the precious commodity. And then... your friend sulks at you,he won't eat a crumb of it! As a result : you end up with kibbles that are not to your dog's taste and you don't know what to do with them, you've wasted time and money, you've lost stress, and your dog is still hungry!
What if those days are over?
As you know, feeding your dog well is important. Yes, but it is not without consequences: it takes time. We would all prefer to spend this time pampering our faithful four-legged friend... A miracle solution exists, we have designed for you different subscription formulas tailored to the importance of your doggie.
What does it consist of?
We have made it as simple as possible to save you even more time. In addition, your subscription can be modified and cancelled at any time. All you have to do is follow these 4 easy steps:- Choose your subscription formula
We currently offer 2 formulas to save you a maximum of time and even money.
Our first formula "the tester" is non-binding, even if we are sure that you are already convinced! With this one we offer you a 5% discount. And we go even further by offering you delivery if you order 2 packages at the same time. This can of course be modified and cancelled at any time with a few clicks on your online account or by email at the following address
Our second formula, "the lover", is a half-yearly subscription with a monthly payment. The delivery is offered to you if you order by 2 packs and in addition you benefit from a 15% discount. Isn't life beautiful?
- Define the frequency of kibble delivery
Your dog is unique, and we adapt to him. You choose the formula so that he always has his croquettes on time! It doesn't matter whether you have one or more companions. Do you want some every month, every two months? The choice is yours in one click.
- indicate the number of packages you want
Whether he eats for ten or you eat for ten, choose the number of packages that will save you hours of pleasure. And if you suddenly feel like welcoming other doggies, no problem. You can always modify your subscription and it will be adapted to your needs and those of your hairballs.
- Enjoy !
Once you've done away with this chore, you're going to have to keep yourself busy. Your dog will be as happy as you are. Imagine the precious moments that our subscription allows you to earn with your favourite pet. The walk you have been postponing for such a long time is yours.