1. Create an ultra-healthy meal
What our furry friends are at risk of...
VS what we offer at Colonel Gustave:
Every year, more than 50 million dogs and cats suffer from obesity, leading to conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.
Balanced recipes
Grain-free and developed by specialists to maintain a healthy weight.

Hair loss
Most dogs eat unbalanced recipes lacking omega-3 and omega-6, often with salmon contaminated by heavy metals and antibiotics.
Algae, Omega-3, Omega-6
Real ingredients to prevent health issues.

About 1 in 2 dogs and 1 in 3 cats develop un cancer during their lifetime, highlighting the importance of a healthy diet to prevent these diseases.
Fresh meat
A highly digestible, single-protein kibble.

Kidney problems
More than 30% of dogs and cats suffer from kidney problems. Choosing high-quality kibble is essential to preserving kidney health.
To support joints and prevent kidney issues.

2. Use local ingredients
The ingredients found in most pet food unfortunately come from all over the world. Brands and factories choose the best price at the expense of quality.

3. Always reducing more waste
Significant impact of plastic in pet food
VS plastic-free at Colonel Gustave:
Every second, 10 tons of plastic are produced worldwide, but only 9% is recycled. More than 90% ends up in nature, creating massive landfills and contaminating soil and water with dangerous toxins. This waste has dramatic consequences for the environment:
Every year, more than 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans, threatening marine life and polluting our fragile ecosystem.
It takes thousands of years for plastic to fully decompose.
Marine animals, such as sea turtles and seabirds, ingest more than 100,000 pieces of plastic each year, causing immense suffering and the death of thousands of them.
Plastic packaging production requires about 17 million barrels of oil each year, contributing to the depletion of natural resources and climate change.
Our bio-based packaging!
At Colonel Gustave, we have decided to eliminate single-use/nearly single-use plastic from our process, from our warehouse to the final consumer. Isn’t that great?
Compostable packaging and bulk kibble

We work with paper bags made from compostable materials.
Just put them in the paper bin and they will find a new life.
We also work in bulk with our stores and our partner farms with
containers specially designed to preserve all the properties of our kibble.